An Advocacy Group Gives iPhones an ‘F’ on Repairability


If you ask Apple, the big news this week was its spring product announcement event, where the company showed off some shiny new devices, including a new iPhone SE. But not everyone was stoked for fancy Apple gadgets. According to a new report from the consumer advocacy group US Pirg that ranks phones and laptops based on their repairability, Apple devices scored the lowest among all major manufacturers.

US Pirg’s ranking is based on a French law enacted in early 2021 that requires companies to include repairability ratings on products. The nonprofit collated these rankings with additional repairability data from right-to-repair advocates at iFixit. The report focused on just phones and laptops, assessing 187 devices made by 10 manufacturers. The report assigns a letter rating from A to F based on how easily devices can be disassembled and the availability and affordability of…

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