Americans Dissatisfied with Current Pay, Youth Most of All


A new survey shows that a majority of Americans feel dissatisfaction with their current pay, especially the youth age 18 to 29.

Surveying 5,274 U.S. workers in early October, the Pew Research Center survey showed only 30 percent of Americans feel satisfied with their current pay – a four-point drop from last year. The bulk of the dissatisfaction – 80 percent – stemmed from workers saying that their wages could not keep up with the higher cost of living, i.e., inflation.

“Our data paints a mixed picture of the American workforce: Most workers feel good about their job security, but only half are highly satisfied overall and fewer are highly satisfied with their pay,” Luona Lin, a research associate at Pew, told the Washington Post.

On the youth front, a full 57 percent of workers aged 18 to 29 expressed dissatisfaction with their pay; workers ages 65 and up were…

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