Amazon’s Comixology integration includes a few headaches

Amazon has shared more details of how it will integrate Comixology into its other services. The internet giant has posted an updated FAQ explaining key parts of the transition, including some timelines. Most notably, Comixology will no longer fulfill pre-orders for comic books released February 17th or later — you’ll have to cancel them and re-order through Amazon. In that sense, the transition is clearly underway.

The primer also makes clear that series subscriptions will only be available through Amazon, and that a “small number” of series won’t carry over. You’ll be told if a favorite can’t make the transition. Amazon also provides the usual tips, such as prepping for the new Comixology app (in short: merge your accounts) and shopping in Amazon’s comics-focused section. As Amazon previously said, the existing Comixology app and web store will phase out sometime after the new…

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