Alert! The East Coast Is Being Buzzed By “Very Sophisticated” Giant Drones Every Night That “Go Dark” When Approached By U.S. Aircraft

Enormous “mystery drones” are buzzing rooftops and flying freely through the skies in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, and our government is powerless to stop it.  As I discussed yesterday, these drones have been spotted over military facilities, water reservoirs, transportation hubs, police departments and other sensitive installations.  But even though some of these drones are the size of cars, and even though they are buzzing us at rooftop level in some cases, we can’t seem to track them effectively and when our aircraft do approach they “go dark” and disappear.

What in the world is going on?

These drones have been appearing just about every night since mid-November, and there are countless eyewitnesses.

In fact, New Jersey State Senator Doug Steinhardt says that he saw them from his own front porch

And State Senator Doug…

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