Aaron Rodgers and Shailene Woodley Agree to Disagree on What


Not Disney.
Photo: Matt Stroshane/Disney

Finally, People.com has a long-awaited update to the Shailene Woodley/Aaron Rodgers/anti-vaxx/hairy hands saga, a story that some people believe began in 2021, but in reality began on December 2, 1983, when Rodgers came barreling unbidden into our universe. If you have no idea what I am talking about, walk away now. It’s better this way. But for those who only need a brief refresher of the issue at (hairy) hand:

In early November, Rodgers, an old football player with whom I was previously and blissfully unfamiliar, was diagnosed with COVID-19, then promptly exposed for having lied about being vaccinated and putting untold people at risk. He subsequently made a jackass of…

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