A nefarious right-wing plot to take over … Oakland?

What if I told you there was a nefarious, convoluted right-wing plot to steal power from Democrats that implicates a president?

And what if I told you the power being stolen was from the mayor of Oakland, California, and that the president was Joe Biden?

This is the incredible conspiracy theory being put forth by Democratic Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, whose house was raided by the FBI last week. She has not yet been charged with a crime, and it is not clear what the raid may be about, but it also comes on the heels of recall organizers turning in signatures for a recall election to boot Thao from office as crime continues to grow worse in Oakland.

Thao complained about the FBI not giving her a heads-up that she was being raided. (Where is the “courtesy”?) She declared, “There are a lot of radical right-wing forces who know they will never win an election in Oakland fair and…

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