House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) thought he came up with a real zinger on Feb. 18, during an interview, when he christened President Donald Trump with a new nickname. But the joke is on him, his party, and its various media messengers. Captain Chaos, as Jeffries referred to him, has been back in the White House for exactly one month. During that time, an incredible transformation took place. No, it is not the transformation of America – which, granted, appears to be proceeding apace. Rather, it is The Resistance dissolving from a supposedly cohesive and coordinated campaign of obstruction – designed to save democracy and humanity from Trump – into a herd of hapless hollering harpies with seemingly no plan and no direction. Chaos is indeed an apt barb, but Jeffries pointed it in the wrong direction.
It’s not the first time the word…