A List Of 24 Things That You Will Desperately Need In A Post-Apocalyptic World

What would you do if a great cataclysm brought a sudden end to our society and you were forced to survive on what you currently have on hand?  When I was growing up, very few people thought of such things.  In fact, I never heard the words “prepper” or “prepping” until I became an adult.  But now everything has changed.  Millions of Americans are spending enormous amounts of money to prepare for apocalyptic scenarios that they believe are quite likely to play out in our near future.  According to Investopedia, approximately 20 million Americans now consider themselves to be preppers…

Doomsday prepping has become a bona fide area of investing, with experts putting the average annual growth of the survivalist sector at over 7% until 2030 and some 20 million Americans now identifying as “preppers”—about the size of entire states…

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