Political Lessons From President George W. Bush (Part IV) – RedState


[This is a continuation of my “Political Lessons From President George W. Bush” series, in which I discuss some political lessons Republicans could learn from the second term of President George W. Bush. Briefly, I believe that it is important for a Republican president to avoid the second-term political collapse that happened to President Bush and that, to do so, a Republican president, e.g., Donald Trump, needs to follow a bifurcated strategy to keep his polling support up among both the GOP party base and with independents. You can read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, here and here and here, respectively.] 

Now, let’s look at the true independents, who make up about 6 percent of the voting public. In the 2024 election, independents – both true independents and independents who were party leaners – voted 48 to 42 percent for Kamala Harris over Donald…

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