QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for speaking the truth about the timeline of this war with Ukraine. Every news story here in Europe says the same thing. Russia was unprovoked. Never in my entire life have I ever witnessed such outright lies by the press. I do not see the Europeans rising up to overthrow these governments. We are sheep being led to the slaughter. You have forecasted that the euro will no longer exist, and they are rapidly moving to digital currencies, which will be, as you say, for capital control. We will not be able to leave or get our money out. Will you do a special report on Europe? I think it is time to prepare for the future sooner than later.
I am a great admirer of your courage and endurance.
ANSWER: It gives me no pleasure to live through Socrates’s forecasts as we head into 2032 when even the euro has a Panic Cycle. I have done my best to try to…