Millions Of Americans Delinquent On Student Loans


Millions of Americans believed that their student loans would be forgiven per the promises made under Biden Administration. Then there was a period of student loan forgiveness that began during the COVID era when countless people found themselves unemployed. Payments have resumed but 9.2 million (43% of federal loan borrowers) have fallen over 90 days behind on payments.

Instead of forgiveness, these delinquencies will remain on these borrower’s credit reports for seven years. Delinquencies show on all three major credit bureaus (TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax) through nationwide credit reporting agencies (NCRAs). The result is an immediate drop in credit scores of up to 250 points.

So over 9 million Americans experienced a massive downturn in their ability to borrow instantaneously. Many may not realize that one missed student loan payment can be counted as up to eight missed…

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