Hal Turner Radio Show – Had to have two Molar Teeth Pulled today

I had to have two Molar teeth pulled today; one on top, left, all the way in the back, the other beneath it, bottom left, all the way in the back.

Apparently, old fillings in those teeth “lost the seal” and decay set-in around the fillings on the inside of the teeth.   I started getting pain in the bottom left rear tooth on Friday last week, then over the weekend, much worse pain in top left rear tooth.  

Dentist is closed on Monday, so I go to the dentist today. He does a Panoramic X-ray, then individual x-rays of the affected teeth.  Tells me the bottom left is so decayed inside, it is now like an eggshell; can’t even do a root canal and a crown because there’s not enough base to put a crown on.   The top tooth, similar; the decay went so deep, even if he did a root canal and filled it, the structure of the tooth below the gum line will not support a crown for…

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