The process of deciding what to make can be overwhelming (especially if you’re 7), so let me offer a few guiding principles. It’s not a blender, so it’s not designed to chop hard, loose ingredients, like ice cubes or straight frozen berries. Also, in our enthusiasm, we have done things like throw handfuls of soft, fresh ingredients into the ice cream as mix-ins. That affects the texture of the soft serve and makes it a bit more crumbly and less consistent, although my family insists that they don’t mind.
Overall, I would say don’t try to cheat and spin pints that aren’t fully frozen, because the texture will be uneven. Smaller pieces tend to get shredded while bigger pieces, like chocolate chips, stay intact. However, if you do screw up and don’t like the texture of something, you can usually fix it by pushing Re-Spin to make it…