Arizona Lawmakers May Soon Be Classified as Lawbreakers

Get out of jail free cards for state legislators may get revoked.

The Grand Canyon State’s legislature is cogitating on revoking a long-standing law that allows members of the esteemed body to get a pass on traffic violations and mild infractions. The Arizona Constitution shields state lawmakers from any civil process and arrest during sessions unless it’s considered treason, a felony, or a breach of peace. Additionally, they can also enjoy legislative immunity for 15 days prior to the beginning of the official assembly.

Republican state Rep. Quang Nguyen introduced HCR 2503, which is most likely a tilting at windmills, self-promotion exercise. “We are lawmakers,” said Nguyen. “So, number one, we shouldn’t break laws.” Well, isn’t that refreshing?

If the resolution is passed, it will be on the ballot in 2026…

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