Best Internet Providers in Portland, Maine

What is the best internet provider in Portland, Maine?

Spectrum is CNET’s top choice for the best overall internet provider in Portland. We recommend it as the go-to ISP in town because it offers gigabit speeds, reliable service and is available to 88% of Portland residents. Plans start at $30 and go up to $70 for the gig plan. For Portland residents who need a little more speed, Fidium Fiber is a good option, offering multi-gigabit plans.

If you’re looking for the lowest prices or fastest speeds, Fidium Fiber is also the best option. On the cheaper end, it offers a 100 megabits per second plan for $25 monthly and if you need speed, it has a 2-gigabit (2,000Mbps) tier, too.

Best internet in Portland, Maine

Portland, Maine, internet providers compared

Provider Internet technology Monthly price range Speed range Monthly equipment costs Data cap Contract CNET review score
Fidium Fiber

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