No, Jen Psaki Is Right… This Is a Hostile Takeover – RedState

As Bonchie reported on Wednesday, Jen Psaki sat on her MSNBC perch and, as leftists in the media do, she proceeded to declare the sky was falling, and we’re all going to die via a loss of Democracy… or whatever. If you’ve heard one panicked leftist, you’ve heard them all. 

(READ: Jen Psaki Declares a ‘Hostile Takeover of the U.S. Government’ in Hilarious MSNBC Meltdown)

During her rant about Elon Musk’s foray into the Treasury Department, she noted that this is a “hostile takeover.” 

“It’s not just law enforcement where there is a hostile government, hostile takeover of the government… This takeover is also happening at the direction of his unelected, best friend Elon Musk,” said Psaki. 

Here’s the thing. She’s right. This is a…

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