The original Digitone is one of my favorite synths ever. To some that might come off as a bit of a backhanded compliment because, well, the Digitone isn’t just a synth. It’s a powerful multitimbral groovebox with one of the most versatile sequencers on the market. To me, its four tracks and eight voices of polyphony could feel a bit limiting. Plus it’s not exactly the best at drums. This led me to sticking the Digitone on a stand where I just treat it like a desktop synth controlled by a MIDI keyboard.
The Digitone II, at least on paper, seems to solve some of these problems. It now has 16 voices on 16 tracks, plus there are three completely new synth engines that expand its sound palette, including one completely dedicated to percussion. This is all in addition to the same sorts of sequencing, modulation, and filter improvements we already saw on the Digitakt II (8/10, WIRED…