Domestic Movie Ticket Sales Have Collapsed 46% Since 2004

In the Year of Our Lord 2024, only 817.9 million domestic movie tickets were sold. Back in 2019, 1.225 billion — with a “B” — tickets were sold. That’s a 34 percent collapse in just five years.

If you go back 20 years to 2004, ticket sales have dropped from 1.495 billion to 817.9 million, or an astonishing 46 percent.

Naturally, Hollywood and its minions in the entertainment media will blame everything but a shitty product. Oh, it’s the pandemic (that is now four years old). Oh, it’s streaming (as though streaming wasn’t around in 2020). Oh, it’s racism and sexism and toxic fandom and everything but our shitty product.

Riddle me this, Penske Corrupt Media Monopoly And Studio Butt-Smoochers: If streaming is stealing movie theater customers, why did the average American cut their streaming costs by 23 percent last year?

Lemme guess, that’s also the fault of…

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