Why America Is Dealing With A Severe Epidemic Of Loneliness Right Now

We live in a society where a significant chunk of the population feels painfully alone much of the time.  It is an epidemic that has enormous mental, emotional and spiritual implications, and it is one of the clearest signs that we are a society that is coming apart at the seams.  One of the primary reasons why there is so much loneliness in our society is because the institution of the family is in decline.  Today, the proportion of the population that is single and childless is at an all-time high, and the proportion of the population that is married with children is at an all-time low.  How can anyone possibly claim that we are headed for a bright future when we are facing such alarming societal trends?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 40 percent of Americans report feeling lonely at least some of the time

The latest version of the US…

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