Yes, High Prices Are Here to Stay


As President Joe Biden’s time in the Oval Office winds down, observers are peering in the rearview mirror. The chattering class is, of course, viewing the last four years with great nostalgia. For everyone else, it was a period of high prices, soaring borrowing costs, bank failures, ballooning debts, and, based on The Wall Street Journal’s recent reporting, a shadow government. The most notable outcome of Bidenomics, a nickname for the incumbent’s economic agenda, was a 40-year-high inflation. Now that a new administration is on the horizon, is a cure for high prices being manufactured in the economic laboratory of Mar-a-Lago?

Evaluating High Prices

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell told reporters at the post-meeting Federal Open Market Committee in December that one of the principal reasons for the “vibecession” is that the American people…

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