Dying rich in office may make you a ‘winner,’ but is the game even worth playing?
It may not be as dramatic as Homer’s Odyssey, but the moral themes of ancient Greek mythology mark the aged permanent political class entrenched today in Washington, DC. A mortal lives and a mortal dies. No amount of secure incumbency can make it otherwise. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are the latest career politicians living out the closing stages of the kind of parable US children once learned in grade school from Aesop’s Fables.
Hubris is a central storyline of classical Greece. Displayed arrogance to the natural rules binding men fired by a willful spirit of vanity and blind ambition was a surefire way to bring down the wrath of the gods. Term limits remain a distant hope for Americans put off by the sight…