Desperate for a Legacy, Biden Embarks on a Syrian Misadventure


Will US attacks on embattled Syria improve the situation?

As the Joe Biden administration enjoys the twilight of its term, the legacy of what is left behind looms unsettlingly. Perhaps attempting to burnish his reputation, the commander-in-chief has launched attacks on Syria, where a rebel group has ousted President Basar al-Assad. But as presidential candidate Carly Fiorina famously quipped, taking a dig at then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: “… I, too, have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles around the globe. But unlike Hillary Clinton, I know that flying is an activity, not an accomplishment.” Biden is engaged in a flurry of activities but are there any achievements for the incoming Trump administration to build upon?

Where Are Biden Successes?

Upon recollection, the Biden legacy seems to be a litany of…

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