Oldest Known Wild Bird Lays Record-Setting Egg in Hawaii – RedState


The Laysan Albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) is a big, far-ranging bird that roams the North Pacific. The species nests on Midway Island, where back before World War 2, the Navy personnel stationed there called them “Gooney birds,” likely for their awkward landings and loud, grating calls. Now, in a revelation that’s eggz-traordinary, we learn that the world’s oldest known wild bird – yes, a 74-year-old Gooney bird named “Wisdom” – has laid what observers think is its 60th egg, which has to be some kind of a record.

Wisdom would appear to be in the running for Lord of the Wings.

The oldest known wild bird in the world has laid an egg at the ripe age of about 74, her first in four years, U.S. wildlife officials said.

The long-winged seabird named Wisdom, a Laysan albatross, returned to Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge at the northwestern edge of the…

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