Can Donald Trump Fix America’s China Problem? – RedState


America’s domination of the Pacific basin, which has lasted since 1945, is in danger. The United States still holds the two most critical pieces of real estate in the Pacific – Alaska and Hawaii – but China is ramping up its naval production, while our navy under the Biden administration has, to put it charitably, stagnated. In 1945, the United States Pacific Fleet had more combatant ships than all the other navies in the world – including the United States Atlantic Fleet. Now our PACFLT is a pale shadow of that mighty force.

And China is looking at the Pacific basin with greedy eyes. In twenty years, will people be looking back at this point in history and saying, “Only Trump could go to China?” In a column at the Washington Examiner, former NSA senior intelligence analyst and counterintelligence officer John Schindler has some thoughts worth considering.

The China problem our 47th…

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