A Red Triumvirate in DC?

It’s almost a week after Election Day, yet little has changed since the rush of called races on that first night. The little bit of progress since has been a trickle. Still, few races remain to be called – just one in the Senate and 18 in the House – and the results paint a colorful portrait of what Washington may look like over the next couple of years. Trump has won a majority of states, electors, and, so far, the popular vote. Republicans have a solid lead in the Senate, and the House GOP is on pace to keeping and even growing slightly its own majority. But there are majorities, and then there are majorities. And just how decisively Republicans rule the roost can make a big difference.

A Presidential Mandate

In 2020, Joe Biden defeated incumbent President Donald Trump to become the nation’s number 46, and he took that as a mandate from the people…

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