Partisanship first? US embassies cancel traditional election night parties


In a pathetic indictment of their ability to master the more basic elements of American diplomacy, a number of major U.S. embassies around the world are canceling their traditional election night parties.

As Politico reports, U.S. “embassies from Brussels to London, Paris and Berlin have decided against holding their usual watch parties.” Explaining that the 2016 election watch parties had been “calamitous,” one senior U.S. diplomat told Politico, “I don’t think there was appetite to watch another Trump victory.”

That’s a lie. If the center-left Aspen Institute can find enough guests to host a major election night party in Berlin, so can U.S. embassies. The Aspen Institute recognizes something that the State Department’s $89 billion budget was apparently insufficient to figure out. As Aspen puts it, “the [election night] event serves not only to observe and…

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