ALAN DERSHOWITZ: President Biden Can Still Save The World In His Remaining Time In Office

The legacy of the last two Democratic presidencies — President Barack Obama’s and President Joe Biden’s — will be the appeasement of Iran in its efforts to dominate the Middle East and eventually expand its influence through the acquisition of a nuclear arsenal.

Obama has been the “Chamberlain” in this 21st-century version of Great Britain’s and France’s appeasement of an evil and dangerous regime. In 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain thought he had a secure peace treaty with Hitler — “Peace in our time,” he promised the British — only to have Hitler break it at the first opportunity by invading the rump Czechoslovak Republic.

By the mid-1930s, Nazi Germany’s plan to dominate Europe should have been clear to western leaders. As Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary:

“[I]n 1933 a French premier ought to have said (and if I had been the French…

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