Chuck Schumer Sets His Sights on the Filibuster Once Again


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is yet again weighing his chances of entirely abolishing the filibuster should his party win the trifecta this year. The New York Democrat has held his seat for the last quarter century, and throughout that tenure, he has waffled back and forth on whether to protect or destroy this particular upper-chamber tradition – seemingly based entirely on which side of the majority he happens to be at the time. Well, Democrats currently hold a slim 51-vote majority, and Schumer made it clear this week that if Kamala Harris wins in November, Democrats maintain the Senate lead, and if they win even a razor-thin majority in the House, the filibuster is as good as dead.

Goodbye Filibuster, Hello Progressive Profusion

Schumer told Politico he was eyeing the end of the 60-vote rule for legislation in order to pass two…

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