He Is Not a Retired Command Sergeant Marjor


Retired Command Sergeant Major Tom Behrends flatly called out Democrat vice presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) for claiming he was also a retired command sergeant major when he was not, in an exclusive interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily on Monday.

“He is not one,” Behrends told host Mike Slater. “He didn’t finish the school that [when] you get selected to be in an E-9 position, you sign a memorandum of understanding that you’re going to finish the academy, [the] United States Army Sergeant Majors Academy.”

“You’re going to stay in [the Army] two years after that because the military’s got a lot of money invested in you, which is taxpayers’ money. And then if you don’t, if you don’t do that, you basically get reduced to master sergeant and you’re, that’s where you’re at. You’re never, you are never given that opportunity…

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