Julie Chrisley has been ordered to appear in court for her resentencing hearing in September.
Chrisley previously asked for permission to appear virtually to avoid traveling for “an unnecessarily extended period of time and impose undue physical hardship,” according to WSB Atlanta. Chrisley, 51, would be required to travel to Georgia from FMC Lexington in Kentucky.
“Because Mrs. Chrisley is presently in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) outside the state of Georgia, BOP likely would transfer her via the transfer facility in Oklahoma City or place her in a van for a lengthy, multiple-hour trip while shackled to facilitate her appearance in court,” her attorney Alex Little wrote in the request, per TV Insider. “Undersigned counsel has corresponded with Mrs. Chrisley’s case manager at FMC Lexington and confirmed that she can be made available to appear…