“This is a dream,” Kathryn Norsigian, a 35-year-old former teacher, remembers thinking while giving birth on the side of the road at 5 a.m. on April 5. “There’s no way this is happening right now. We’re not having a baby in the car.”
Minutes earlier, her husband, Jordan, 37, an inventory specialist, had been driving Kathryn, then 39 weeks pregnant, to the hospital as she struggled with intense contractions.
“I was very scared,” Jordan, who pulled over at the instruction of a 911 dispatcher, tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue. “Kathryn went from breathing through the contractions to screaming through them. She was in constant pain and I didn’t know what to do.”
About five minutes later, paramedics arrived with sirens blaring. “I’ve never been so glad to hear a siren,” recalls Jordan. “It was such a relief just to hear them and see them pull up with the flashing…