10 Sunscreen Myths to Stop Believing This Summer

There are a lot of misconceptions floating around about sunscreen — what type you need, how much you need to apply and when you should wear it. But believing everything you hear can spell bad news for your skin. When it comes to protecting the skin from damaging sun rays that can lead to sun poisoning, blisters and cancer, sunscreen is your best line of defense. 

It’s important you get it right this summer. Let’s separate fact from fiction and debunk some common sunscreen myths so you can protect your skin.   

Read more: Best Sunscreen to Protect Your Skin

The top 10 myths about sunscreen

1. All sunscreen is the same

Yes, the goal of all sunscreen is to protect your skin from sun damage. But each product works differently, depending on its ingredients and level of sun protection. 

There are generally two broad categories of sunscreen — chemical and physical. Chemical sunscreens…

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