Nigeria Reports ‘Surge’ in Anti-Christian Violence

Nigeria has been experiencing a “surge” in anti-Christian violence, including numerous kidnappings and murders. These are often carried out execution style, according to recent reports.

“On June 3, three Christians were just executed by the radical Islamic terrorists, ISWAP,” said Kyle Abts, executive director of the International Committee on Nigeria. “These Islamic terrorists allowed Muslims to flee, but retained the Christians for their propaganda video, which shows their execution.”

“President Tinubu claims that he is, ‘taking the battle terrorists’ but has done little to stop kidnappings and killings, which often occur on federal roads and property,” Abts said.

“Where is the outrage from the world leaders?” he asked in reference to ongoing assaults on Christians. “Where is the outrage from Nigerian leaders?”

On June 2, presumed Fulani Islamist…

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