Open Borders America: Criminal Migrants Repeatedly Entering the US

An alleged murderer entered America three times in two months.

Editor’s note: Join Liberty Nation News each week to stay up to date on the nationwide ramifications of an open borders America.

Failed Border Brings Fatal Consequences

As migrants flood unopposed across the border, violent crime is on the rise. Salvadoran migrant Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez was recently arrested for the rape and murder of Rachel Morin, a mother of five. Outrage spread across the nation as the details became known: This wasn’t his first murder, however, and the illegal alien managed to cross into the US four times in a year, three of those times within just two months.

Hernandez, 23, first arrived illegally in the US in January 2023 near El Paso, Texas. Then, in the same month, he was caught again crossing in New Mexico. He was later…

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