Biden’s failures on China diminish America’s standing

As the leaders of the G7 countries gathered in Fasano, Italy, last week, Americans back home were greeted with sobering headlines about the future of our country’s place in the world. “G7 leaders talk tough on China. But can’t agree what to do,” Politico wrote. And then there was this especially startling take from the New York Times: “In China’s Backyard, America Has Become a Humbler Superpower.”

We’ve long known that China has a plan to displace America as the world’s sole superpower. However, world leaders, including President Joe Biden, don’t seem to know what to do about it. As China challenges America, the Biden administration appears more concerned about getting the details of diplomatic visits with the Chinese Communist Party just right rather than aggressively pursuing a plan to maintain our dominance in the world.

America doesn’t have to fade into the…

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