Buyers Snapping Up Beachfront Homes, ‘Climate Change’ and Rising Sea Levels Notwithstanding – RedState

Yesterday was the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, the traditional start of summer. Here in the Great Land, sunrise this morning was at 4:13 AM, and sunset will be at 11:50 PM. Around the country, people are filling up the kids’ swimming pools, firing up their grills — and making sure the air conditioners are working.

It’s been a warm year for most of the country thus far, and it’s going to be warmer still, which, of course, has the climate change folks worried; every year, they seem to be worried about warm weather showing up, even though summer has brought warm weather as long as the Earth has been spinning, sometimes warmer than others.

And, of course, a lot of people, in summer, head to the beach, and now we see that, despite warnings of rising sea levels, people are buying up beachfront properties.

America’s wealthiest appear to be playing the luck of the draw when…

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