Bill Gates Throws More Millions at Global Digital ID System

Systemic food and banking control to come, as well?

Another chunk of Bill Gates’ cash has again driven the spooky aspects of worldwide digital ID into the news cycle. The globalist multi-billionaire has an affinity for this particular cause every bit as radical as his well-known devotion to mass vaccination, reinventing food, and fighting so-called climate change.

“[T]he UK-based AI and data science research group Alan Turing Institute has become the recipient of a renewed grant, this time amounting to $4 million, given by the Gates Foundation,” online free speech advocacy group Reclaim the Net reported June 13.

As always, the Gates money machine is presenting its effort as a benign and wholly altruistic attempt to help the impoverished peoples of the world.

Operation Gates – We Have to Control You in Order to Help…

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