2024 Election Factors – Here’s What You Might Be Missing

One swallow does not a summer make, and the same is true for polls and elections. They can, however, be indicative. More importantly, they can offer warning signs to candidates looking to avoid an ignoble fate. While the Fourth Estate and respective campaigns tout each survey result they see as favorable, significant mitigating factors are often ignored. Without taking these additional dynamics into account, the public is not getting the full picture of Election 2024.

Third-Party Candidates Can’t Be Ignored

By this point in the season, the country is well aware that Donald Trump is leading nationally at roughly 0.8% — and equally aware that national polling is largely irrelevant. What counts are the swing states – and it is in these battlegrounds that one should examine the third-party threat.

This cycle, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the big-name…

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