Amnesty Joe Biden Gives His Podium to Illegal Migrant

President Joe Biden gave his presidential podium to an illegal migrant Tuesday as he tried to revive election enthusiasm among his worried pro-migrant progressives.

“My resilient parents brought me to this country [ilegally, at age 3] to give me a chance at a better future … They are a symbol of the American dream and they helped me with my dream,” Mexican national Javier Quiroz Castro told the White House room of cheering progressive activists.

Many progressives believe the United States is not a nation of Americans, but a nation that is intended to uplift many millions of migrants, regardless of Americans’ preferences.

“It is a privilege to personally thank President Biden for delivering on his promise to protect American families like mine,” the 33-year-old nurse declared from Biden’s podium that carried the presidential seal of the United States.

“We’re a…

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