Alarmists Warn of U.S. ‘Heat Dome’ Tied to Human-Induced Climate Change

Science Alert warned Monday “worsening human-induced climate change” is contributing to an increase in heat-related deaths as the United States languishes under a “heat dome.”

“Despite being preventable, the leading weather-related deaths in the US are caused by heat,” the article states, adding that heat-related deaths “are rising as heat waves like this one occur more regularly thanks to worsening human-induced climate change.”

“Extreme heat events are also increasing in their intensity and duration, bringing along greater fire danger too,” it contends, arguing that “millions are at risk” from the intense heat.

The group’s assertion that in the U.S. most weather-related deaths “are caused by heat” does not stand up to scrutiny, however, since the majority of weather-related deaths come from cold, not heat.

According to data published by the…

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