The Things You Learn – RedState

They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (but with less hair on your head), and that has been the case for yours truly over the last few weeks during a massive home repair project undertaken at my mom’s house.

Her home is around 50 years old. She and my dad bought it in the late 1990s and did some work to it after that, mostly painting, new appliances, and a new HVAC system.

A new roof, windows, French doors, and a back deck came about 15 years later and some new toilets about five years after that, but not much else was done because, as the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – right?

Unfortunately, it’s hard to know if something needs fixing if you don’t look at it, and like a lot of people, they didn’t pay much attention at all to their crawlspace. Technicians we’d had go down there the first 20 years or so for various things didn’t mention seeing any issues, and…

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