Russian Warships in Cuba – Should the US Take Notice?

Moscow must not have enough to do in Ukraine.

Shades of the Cold War are ongoing just 90 miles from the US coast. On Wednesday, June 12, a flotilla of Russian warships converged on Havana, Cuba, to great celebratory activities. The port visit to America’s communist southern neighbor is part of a planned naval exercise in the waters of the Caribbean between June 12 and June 17. What makes the Russian stop in Cuba noteworthy to America, though, is the timing.

Russian Naval Task Group Makes Cuba a Port of Call

Tensions between the US and its adversaries, including Russia, are growing. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has gone so far as to threaten America’s ally, Great Britain, with a nuclear attack. Otherwise, this port visit would be just another stop at one of Russia’s allies. However, geopolitical events transform…

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