This Flag Day Should Include An ‘Appeal To Heaven’ For Patriotism

We can learn a lot about people by the flags they fly and how they fly them, the flags in which they wrap themselves, and the flags that they oppose.

When pro-Hamas mobs burn Old Glory (and fly Hezbollah’s flag), we know where they stand. When pseudo-sophisticates revile flags of American Independence as symbols of oppression and hate, we recognize their rejection of the principles of our Founding Fathers. And when people fly cultural revolutionary flags alongside the Stars and Stripes, they show what they believe matters most.

Americans who surrender the flags of our country’s founding to their political opponents are, whether they realize it or not, surrendering America’s founding principles. We see this happen when patriotic Americans decide not to raise certain flags for their own cause — the defense of those principles. These flags include the Gadsden…

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