6 In 10 Voters Back Mass Deportations Of Illegal Aliens

A majority of voters support efforts to mass deport illegal aliens residing in the United States, a newly released survey found.

Conducted by CBS News/YouGov, the poll showed that 62 percent of registered voters favor, “in principle, a new government program to deport all [foreign nationals] living in the U.S. illegally.” This includes backing from 88 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of independents, and 38 percent of Democrats.

The survey additionally found similar levels of support (62 percent) for allowing local law enforcement to try and identify aliens residing in the United States illegally. A slight majority (52 to 48 percent), however, oppose the government “establishing large detention centers, where people would be sent and held, while the government determined whether or not they should be deported.”

Voters also appear to believe…

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