Can Trump capitalize on a post-Chevron world?

The future of the administrative state hangs in the balance. Supreme Court justices will soon decide in a pair of cases whether to reverse a decades-old precedent known as the Chevron deference that would curb federal agencies’ power to regulate everything from Wall Street to the stove in your kitchen. This Washington Examiner series will look at how a departure from this precedent could rip up the regulation nationPart 1 focused on the underlying court casePart 2 explored the possible economic repercussions. Part 3 examined what the fallout would be for energy and environmental policy. Part 4 looks at what the end of Chevron could mean in a second Trump administration.

Former President Donald Trump has long promised to curtail the “Deep State” of federal government agencies and drain “the swamp” of bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.

A pending Supreme Court

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