Groupthink is not something to be proud of

The monthlong celebrations in June for LGBT pride serve as a great reminder that groupthink is not something to be proud of.

While the LGBT community tries to convince people it is marginal and oppressed, the reality is that with each generation, more and more adults identify as members of the LGBT community. 

A 2023 poll by Gallup, for example, found that in Generation Z, 22.3% identify as LGBT. Compare that to millennials, 9.8% of whom identify as LGBT, and Generation X, with just 4.5%. And yet, as more young people seek to express their sexuality more publicly, the messaging of the LGBT agenda has changed rapidly. 

In years past, the messaging was that everyone ought to live their private life in total freedom. But now that the culture has grown in acceptance of this, the messaging has shifted. Far too many members of the LGBT community do not just want acceptance — they…

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