The 2024 Presidential Campaign Revives the Hillary Playbook

By now, we have gotten used to this – Hillary Clinton inserting her foot firmly in her mouth. This time, she compared a potential victory by Donald Trump and his deplorable supporters in November to a Nazi triumph in World War II: “Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This November, all we have to do is vote,” the 2016 presidential loser declared on her X account.

Hillary just keeps embarrassing herself, and on the world stage, no less. It brings back into vivid view her own dismal, joyless presidential campaign eight years ago – and how it appears increasingly relevant to the current campaign. Like Joe Biden calling Trump supporters semi-fascists, Clinton felt so entitled and so certain of vanquishing Donald Trump that she casually insulted half the country as not just…

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