Trump Talks Politics With Dr. Phil, and Hillary Is Still Mad

Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. 

Flyover folks used President Joe Biden as a verbal punching bag for a little therapeutic relief on D-Day. But there were bright spots as well this week in the weird world of American politics: Dr. Phil asked the serious questions of former President Donald Trump. Oh, and guess who is still mad and tilting at windmills? Hillary Clinton.

And How’s That Working for You?

Dr. Phil has interviewed a lot of folks over the years, and he appears to know what makes those people tick. In his usual drawl and cadence, the Texan recently sat down with former President Donald Trump to talk about the recent trial and 34 felony convictions. The good doctor also blasted Judge Merchan for “muzzling” the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee…

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