First Artificial Intelligence Beauty Pageant ‘Miss AI’ Coming in May

The world’s first-ever artificial intelligence beauty pageant “Miss AI” is set to take place this May, with prizes totaling over $20,000.

Judges for will be looking at AI-generated contestants’ “beauty,” “tech,” and “social clout” when determining the winners of the Miss AI beauty pageant, according to the World AI Creator Awards (WAICA).

“Contestants will be judged on some of the classic aspects of pageantry including their beauty, poise, and their unique answers to a series of questions like ‘if you could have one dream to make the world a better place what would it be?’” WAICA said of the beauty component to the virtual contest.

Digi AI girlfriend (Digi)

With regards to tech, “Contestants will earn points for their skill and implementation of AI tools used to create their digital masterpieces including use of Prompts and their output, and…

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