Happy Tax Day! Your Earnings Paid For Cats On Treadmills


Let me tell you how it will be
There’s one for you 19 for me
‘Cause I’m the taxman 
Yeah, I’m the taxman 

With compliments to the “Quiet Beatle,” welcome to Tax Day 2024 — for all your earnings in 2023. And we do mean all your earnings. 

While taxpayers in Massachusetts and Maine get a two-day reprieve (God bless you, Patriots’ Day), April 15 is the day of reckoning for the rest of us working stiffs. Uncle Sam wants you, and more than ever. Who else is going to scratch the federal government’s spending itch? With a $34.6 trillion habit — and climbing — the itch is getting itchier. 

Besides, Democrats and Republicans have big plans. Ukraine isn’t going to just defend itself, after all. Somebody’s got to pick up the tab for all of those illegal immigrants pouring into a borderless country over the past three-plus years. Do you think…

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